
Monday, November 7, 2011

Powermax Fuel Is Definitely Dead :(

I've seen every retailer in my area discontinue carrying Coleman Powermax Fuel all at the same time.  Suspicious, I wrote Coleman to ask if they had stopped making the canisters.

Here is the answer I received:
The Powermax fuel has been discontinued, The fuel is being discontinued due to low volumes . You might still find some sporting good store from existing stock.
I apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you,
Coleman Consumer Service

In other words, Powermax fuel is definitely dead.   :(

Powermax was the best format out there in terms of gas canisters.  It had no threads to cross thread, it had nice aluminum canisters that were very lightweight (a 110g standard canister is heavier than a 300g Powermax canister!), it had a wonderful 35% propane blend in the US (40% propane overseas), and its liquid feed mechanism allowed it to operate down to -4F/-20C according to Coleman (although many users report good results in temperatures down to -10F/-23C).
A Powermax canister has no threads to cross thread.  Just twist and click.
 Unfortunately, it wasn't standard.  The threaded canisters that are in fact the standard are by no means superior; they're just the standard.  Despite the fact that Powermax was clearly a superior canister, particularly for cold weather, it just didn't catch on.  Distribution was always limited, and only three backpacking stoves (the Coleman Xtreme, the Coleman Xpert, and the Coleman Xpedition) could use the canisters.
A Coleman Xtreme stove hooked up to a Powermax canister
 For those of you lucky enough to own one of the three stoves, fear not!  There are still a lot of Powermax canisters out there.  Check around, and you'll find them.  And the canisters can be refilled.  Yes, I know it says not to, but people have been refilling various canisters for quite some time without problems.  Do note that refilling does have potential dangers -- serious dangers.  Definitely read up on the issue before engaging in refilling.  But for a careful, knowledgeable person, the dangers are minimal.  The Coleman stoves that use Powermax canisters will now be a bit of a bother since fuel is no longer as readily available, but those who know these stoves know their worth!
The inferno that is the flame of a Coleman Xtreme stove
If you've got one of the three stoves that uses Powermax fuel, hang on to it -- and lay in a stock of Powermax canisters.


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  1. Yeah tough stuff to find. I have a stock of about 10 canisters = 7-8 weeks of frugal camp use. I miss the small canisters the most as I found them perfect for weekend trips.

  2. Yeah, I bought out the local store when they discontinued Powermax. I've got a couple of year's worth -- longer if I refill.


  3. Here's an idea... Begin by buying one of these little stoves:


    They are available from several vendors for as little at $9. Disassemble this stove to remove the burner and the piezo igniter. Also remove its gas nozzle from the stove body. Doing this, you are left with a device which fits to a standard screw-on canister on one end and a little female thread on the other end. Let's call this little thread "Thread #1".

    Now disassemble the canister connector that's at the end of the flexible gas line on the Coleman PowerMax stove. Unscrew the flexible gas line from the guts of the canister connector. You now have the Coleman stove with the flexible gas line attached but without the screw-on adapter that originally connected to the PowerMax canister. At the end of the flexible gas line is another little thread. Let's call this "Thread #2".

    Go to you local hardware store and buy a brass fitting that accepts Thread #1 on one end and Thread #2 on the other end. Back at home, assemble the gas line from the Coleman stove onto this brass fitting on the Thread #2 end. Then from the Thread #1 end of the brass fitting, screw it into the UltraLite stove where its gas nozzle once was.

    What you end up with is a connection between the Coleman stove's input line and the UltraLite stoves output point.

    Buy a standard screw-on butane/propane canister. Attach it to the base of the UltraLite body. Now INVERT the canister and UltraLite combination. The UltraLite will be standing upside-down on the feet that were intended to support the cooking pot. But now these feet sit on the ground and act as the base of the canister holder, which is going to be used upside-down. The Coleman stove will draw liquid fuel just like it did when Coleman Powermax canisters were used. The valve on the UltraLite stove body will control the flow of gas and thus the flame.

    I haven't tried this yet because I still have enough PowerMax fuel to use my Coleman stove for three more backpack trips. But I did buy the UltraLite stove today. It comes from China and cost $8.48 including shipping.



  4. Our Boy Scout Troop recently cleaned out their storage shed. Lo and behold hiding in a back corner were at least two, and as many as five cases (12 ea.) of full / unused 300g Powermax fuel canisters shipped directly from Coleman.

    Although I found a variety of Coleman and Peak 1 white gas stoves hiding in their as well (along with some single-mantle butane lanterns still in factory sealed boxes), There were no Coleman stoves compatible with the fuel canisters (i.e., Xtreme, Xpert, or Xpedition).

    They had no idea what to do with them and were just going to throw it all away!! I nee to wait until the next committee meeting, but should be able to offer these up for sale to those interested in purchasing some Powermax fuel.

    1. Chris,

      I, too, would be interested in purchasing some PowerMax fuel canisters if there are any still available. I can be reached at kcherrons@kc.rr.com. Thanks!


    2. Chris:
      If they are not gone yet, I'd be interested too.

    3. Sam here - I would really like some. I literally just learned about this today. I'd been out of the country for two years and a small supply but one of my canisters failed on a recent trip so I went to buy more and SURPRISE. I've got the double-burner stove and the lantern that run on those things. I'm a bit irritated right now to say the least, but if I could get ahold of any more that'd be something.
      Cheers, Kevin
      kpr at klondike dash 5 dot net :)

    4. Chris:
      You have struck gold! Please contact me at brauerpower@shaw.ca to help resurrect my stove.
      Thanks, Harvey

    5. I would also like to get some canisters.

      Let me know if they are still avail.
      You can contact me at f b c a p c (at) g m a i l . c o m.
      Without the spaces.



    6. Chris,

      I know I'm very late, but if you have anymore powermax canisters left over, I would be interested in purchasing some. riverjay@comcast.net


    7. Hey Chris, if you have any Powermax fuel canisters left I would be very interested in purchasing some. Please contact me at dpoclery@gmail.com at your earliest convenience. Planning a weekend overnighter on the AT Nov 2/3. Thanks. Doug O

    8. Hi any of these left ???? Plz email crued@crued.ca if so

  5. @Chris Brueing


    I would be interested in purchasing some of your canisters. Please let me know if you intend to sell them soon. I have an upcoming backpacking trip and have been looking for fuel canisters for my Coleman Xpert. Please send me an e mail with more details: parkdashark(at)yahoo(.)com

    Thank you,

  6. lol. My blog is now the Powermax fuel clearing house.


  7. Hello 'the Powermax fuel clearing house',

    Having just finished my last powermax canister I've only now discovered coleman have discontinued them, so I went round all 5 camping shops in Aberdeen this afternoon and found nothing. Does anyone know of any available up this end of the uk. I love my trusty peak 1 xtreme.


    1. I'm in the same boat Derek - little ridiculous isn't? I've got my 2-burner expedition stove and my lantern - love'm both. does anyone know of any way to convert these easily to another fuel?

  8. Coleman sells this adpater.

    Don't know how well other fuels work, but I'm sure they are heavier.
    I still have a few canisters left, but plan to begin thinking about how to convert. Will post if I'm successful.


  9. Hey all,

    I follow this blog and tell everyone about the guy who has more than 30 stoves and the most comprehensive stove reviews on the web. Today I learned about the Powermax fuel canisters being discontinued.

    I work at Hilton's Tent City in Boston, an independent outdoor retailer of 66 years, and we have dozens of 5 oz and 10 oz canisters still for sale--in store only. Thought I could share the love. Ben

    1. Hi any of these left ???? Plz email crued@crued.ca if so

  10. Coleman doesn't have any adapters in stock and may have discontinued those too

  11. I have 2 stoves and three adapters, so I have an extra adapter actually they work OK, anyone interested in any of it let me know

    1. Charles, I am in need of one of the adapters. If you still have one for sale, let me know at:

    2. Charles, I know it has been awhile since your post but wondered if you still have an adapter? email me please at tamburgey@comcast.net

  12. I am interested in either fuel or adapter if anyone still has either.

  13. I have one can (300g). If anyone wants it, they can have 8th for the price of shipping.

    Joshuaphendrix AT gmail DOT com

  14. I have a dozen or so canisters, but they are quite old (10 years). Last time I used one, it worked great. However, when I went to remove it, it became clear that the seal had failed (dried out I guess) and all the pressurized fuel continued venting until the canister was empty. Fortunately (VERY fortunately), I had extinguished the stove and there were no other flames near by or I would probably not be here today. Does anyone know of a way to safely recondition the seal so this will not happen with the next one?

    1. Sometimes the internal valve will stick open even on new canisters. It's extremely unnerving. This is why one should never take off a canister near open flame. The thing to do if this happens is to put the canister back on the stove immediately. Often just re-attaching and then re-removing will be enough to reseat the valve. If not you could just leave the canister attached to the stove and use the stove's valve to hold the gas in. A bit awkward to pack with the canister attached, but it will work.

    2. Hikin' Jim,
      Thank you for the reply!

      I will try that if the next one does the same thing. I am still trying to figure out if some sort of oil or something might recondition the seal to help prevent it in the first place.

    3. The valve is plastic inside, so I don't think oil will help.


  15. Never never use a petroleum based oil on a seal let alone a canister seal.

  16. So I have approximately 40 or so new cans that I just came across. Anyone know how much they would sell for?

    1. No idea. Put 'em up for sale and see who buys 'em.

    2. Hey .... Any of these left ???? Plz email crued@crued.ca if you do

    3. i'll them from ya if you still have them up for sell?!

    4. Ryan, I have a number of the PowerMax canisters if you're interested.


    5. HJ, any PowerMax canisters remaining? If so, please email me at clj@umich.edu. Thanks.

    6. Chantel,

      I have about 30 canisters of the 300g size that I don't need. I'll send you an email.


    7. Hi Hikin' Jim-

      I'm just getting back into backpacking and just now discovering these PowerMax canisters are no longer available. If you have any left that you are willing to part with, I'd love to see what we can arrange. My email is woocubsnextyear@gmail.com

      Thanks, Bob

  17. I know I'm late to the party, but does anyone have any adapters for sale? I've only got a few canisters of the old fuel left and I'm going to need to find a way to make my stove still work.

    1. Amanda, I have about 30 canisters remaining if you need some.


  18. If by any luck there is anyone out there with canisters for sale PLZ email me at crued@crued.ca .... I would love to purchase some .... I can't believe they stopped making these , I love this system

  19. does anybody out there happen to know somebody in utah that can refill the canisters?

    1. There are ways to refill, but I haven't heard of anyone doing it in Utah. If you're ever in Orange County, California...


    2. Hi Hikin' Jim,

      Where in Orange County could I get the Powermax canisters refilled? Thank you.

      - Nadia, fitzywilliamy@juno.com

  20. I have two Coleman Expedition two-burner stoves. When we bought the second stove, we asked Coleman if they were going to continue making this fuel and they said YES. Grrrrrr . . . . not happy!!!!!

    1. I still have a number of canisters if you're interested.


    2. Jim,

      I'm looking for Powermax adapter 9705-725 and fuel as well. I can be reached at coramdeoiii@hotmail.com if you can help... Thanks

  21. HJ, I'd love to take a few of those canisters off your hands. Just curious, have they been stored indoors or out. Thinking this may affect the condition of the septum(or whatever it's called). Was just camping this weekend and lost the precious last bit of fuel I had by removing the canister from the valve. Please email me jltorino@gmail.com. Thanks a bunch!

    1. Hi, Jen,

      I'll send you an email.


    2. Jim, I am interested as well if you have any left. We had a couple of cans left and haven't camped in a while until recently when I just plugged the last one in. Reading your blog was the first time I heard about them being discontinued ;). You can reach me at mariusjigmond@hotmail.com. Thanks, -marius.

    3. I don't think canisters really exist anymore. I would like to hear if anyone has had success making their own adaptation.

  22. I don't really think there are anymore canisters of powermax fuel out there. Also, there are no adapters sold by anyone. I've also read the seals go bad on canisters with age so..... I saw one post here about making an adapter but he hadn't tried it yet. Has anyone had success with making an adapter?

  23. Any more PowerMax fuel canisters out there for sale?

  24. I have about 12 of the 300g canisters I would like to sell. They were my step dads and I think about 9 years old. Stored indoors but no real way to tell of condition, don't think any have been used. Are these shippable thru USPS, have seen conflicting comments about shipping? Thank you. You can email me at dans@wcc.net

    1. Dan:
      Do you still have any canisters left? If so, I am interested in purchasing. You can contact me at rusbevaldez@hotmail.com if you still have some left. Russ

  25. I know it is unlikely, but if there are any left I will buy whatever I can get...gerard.volatile@gmail.com

  26. Looking for an adapter or fuel, just like everyone else!! If anyone has any, email me please. Thanks, Monica

  27. I'm intersted if any are left dagosd@hotmail.com

    1. I just found some 10.6 ounce cans of it and a camp grill/stove in my Mother-in-law's garage, posted it on ebay just now.


  28. I came across 6 - 10.6 oz containers and 12 - 6.0 oz.

    Interested email Josh.hayes@senecahills.com

  29. I have one 300g/10.6 oz canister and peak 1 Xpert single burner used maybe once, if at all. with carrying bag. Will take $50 for the package

  30. Interested in adapter and/or fuel. Please e-mail. Thanks.

    1. I just found some 10.6 ounce cans of it and a camp grill/stove in my Mother-in-law's garage, posted it on ebay just now.


  31. Looking for Powermax fuel cartridge(s) for the Coleman Excursion Xponent lantern. Or an alternative fuel source if anyone knows of one. Thanks. akheintz57@gmail.com

  32. Looking for Powermax fuel cartridge(s) for the Coleman Excursion Xponent lantern. Or an alternative fuel source if anyone knows of one. Thanks. akheintz57@gmail.com

    1. I just found some 10.6 ounce cans of it and a camp grill/stove in my Mother-in-law's garage, posted it on ebay just now.


  33. I am looking for powermax fuel canisters or an adapter.
    Please email me.

    1. I just bought a mixed box of camp stove fuel that contains 2 full 10 oz. and 2 full-ish 6 oz. Powermax canisters as well as a 1/2 full 6 oz can and a nearly empty 10 oz. one. Please email me at williamdirks _at_ gmail dot com if you're interested. I put them up on the Annapolis craigslist as well as ebay for thirty bucks.

    2. I just found some 10.6 ounce cans of it and a camp grill/stove in my Mother-in-law's garage, posted it on ebay just now.


  34. I just found some 10.6 ounce cans of it and a camp grill/stove in my Mother-in-law's garage, posted it on ebay just now.


    1. They are mailable in the US Postal Service mail if you read the regulations. See Can I Mail Backpacking Canisters?.


  35. Hello I have stock of about 20 powermax 300 gas Cans. In my store Marcruss outdoors in bristol.pick up only as I can't post.

  36. Based on the dates of the above comments, I'm a bit late to the party, but just wanted to share that in 2001, I was a leader on a 10-day backpacking trip at Philmont, high in the northern New Mexico mountains. Among 10 of us, we had 3 stoves, but I had the Xpedition w/ Powermax fuel. On the 3rd & 4th day, the other 2 stoves quit working. We finished the backpacking trip at altitudes up to 13K ft. with some cold rain and a bit of snow, along with hot desert-like days. My Coleman Xpedition worked flawlessly, giving us hot meals each day. On real cold days, I'd hold my hand on a nearly-empty canister and the flame would roar back to life due to the heat from my hand around the canister. So sorry Coleman chose to discontinue that fuel! It was awesome!

  37. I'd take some if anyone has any. Reillyc22@gmail.com

  38. If anyone comes up on any fuel I’d take some! Just found a brand new Coleman I forgot about.

  39. I’m also looking to find some Powermax fuel or some canisters. Also I’m looking for a adapter that works.

  40. Can anyone recommend a good replacement for the xpedition stove? Just ran out of my last canister of power max fuel so need to buy a new stove unfortunately

  41. Hi all... Cleaning out some gear and found 8 large fuel canisters (various levels of fill, with some full), 7 small fuel canisters (various levels of fill, with some full), a Xtreme 1 burner stove, and a Xpedition 2 burner stove. Located in Seattle. Can ship the stoves, but don't believe I can ship the fuel. Let me know if interested: deanhaus@gmail.com

  42. I am in Vancouver and have a brand new - never used Coleman Max Extreme Stove if anyone looking.


My apologies to real people, but due to Spammers I have to moderate comments. I'll get to this as rapidly as possible but do understand that I like to hike and there's no internet in the wilderness. Take care and stove on!